Time To Relax

Last week, was a bit chaotic. I had a lot going on. I think, everyone had a lot going on! The moon was full. Pretty Little Liars reemerged! whaaaaa! My anxieties were high. Jordan Peele's movie Us came out. I mean, the world, in general, lost its mind. Emotions were high. Of course, we're still dealing with Mercury Retrograde! grrrr! But most of us, survived and now, it's time to relax.

I'm a Pretty Little Liar

OMG! My favorite show, that I love-to-hate, but secretly love it...is back on! Pretty Little Liars. If you're a fan of PPL, then you already know, most of your time, energy and YEARS will be spent on trying to figure out who's A (the killer)...is there an "A" character??? And what's up with Mona?! Is there a video chip in her eyes? Is she in the sunken place? Does she hear the voices? What the hell is going on?! I have questions! wheewwwww! I'm excited! Twitter was turned up! *sigh* It was beautiful.

Just Relax 

Anyway, relaxing... I am definitely taking it down, two to three notches. I did a whole week (well, three posts) on anxiety...if you missed it check it out Here, Here and Here.
Side Note: I'm getting better at linking my previous posts, so, look out for that! lol.

I don't have any 'Clever Ways to Relax' or '10 Ways to Decompress' information. lol. This is not that type of blog. Plus, it would all be bullshyt, anyway. lol.  However, personally, I increase my anxiety when I have to complete everything and do everything by a certain time or when I have doubts about my future. When this happens, it's time for me to take a step back and relax. Listen to some music and try not to scroll through Instagram, looking at everyone's perfect life. lol. I'm just kidding!

Final Words

I'm taking it easy this week and I hope you do the same. Oh, I'm going to a networking event tonight, but I think it's more of a spiritual thing....but, I'm not sure. I was invited. But who knows, I may meet Mr. spiritual-right-now! lol. I'll keep you posted.

Until Next Post!



  1. It is a good decision that you decided to take it very easy.
    New post

  2. I liked PLL, but then stopped watching it. I pretended the show ended when they all went off to college. That last scene in that season never happened.

    Effortlessly Sophisticated

    1. hahaha!! That's funny! I hated the last scene too! I think you will like the new show (perfectionist)...if you're up for wasting years of your life on this show...lol


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