Salad Fail and Updates

Okay, so, lately I've been eating "healthy." I'm not sure if its due to a surplus of Vegans or Vegan restaurants but I wanted to be part of the #teamgreen movement. Actually, I don't know if that's a real movement....don't @ me. lol.  Anyway, I went to the grocery store and I picked up a few 'container salads,' you know, salads that are already prepared. So, I said cool, I can do this...I tried them out and I love it! I mean, I really love it...but something was off. I was gaining weight.....from salads. 

Now, the salads (a variety of different salads) I bought had romaine lettuce, kale, apples, corn, tomatoes, cheese (I know, I know, not vegan friendly), eggs, bacon, ham, turkey, chicken (def, not vegan friendly!) and a lot of other "healthy" stuff. So, I assumed that the dressing would be healthy too...because, if I'm buying a salad then why do I need to look at the Nutrition Value, right?! WRONG. 

It turns out that, the sodium level alone was enough to rival a bowl of pasta! Like, I might as well eat a bowl of pasta with all the guilt and all of the satisfaction! yum! I was upset, though....I think I had high hopes for grocery store salads...Maybe, that was my first mistake. My second mistake was not looking at the back. My third mistake was enjoying it a little too much. I should've known...But I know now. 

A New Book. 

By the way, I wrote a book...yea...I know! It's call the Jewel of Venus by me: Elle J Nior. (That's my pen name, btw.) It's available on Amazon. I should link it right now...but I'm too lazy at the moment. *sigh* lol... Maybe next post...or maybe I'll create a link on the homepage... or...maybe I'll just leave it up to fate! ha!

I know 'they' say you have to be aggressive in your approach if you want to get yourself or brand (or book) out there....I'm just, Idk, I prefer the 'go with the flow' method. It's not a big deal for me....if it works, it works. If it doesn't then....I'll vent about it on here! haha! That's my perspective. Don't follow my advice on I'll say this: promoting isn't my strong suit. I personally find it draining and time I alone on this? 

Also, I'm working on another book, coming out soon... That's why I haven't been posting...I've been writing a damn book. lol oh and I've been on Instagram....which is also time consuming...but I'm starting to like it. My IG is @ellejnior or type Elle J Nior. 

Welp! It is technically I'm on schedule. See, everything works out in the end...*laughs*

Until Next Post....


  1. It's crazy that some salads are loaded with sugar and salt, it's so deceptive when you're trying to be healthier xx

    1. Right! omg! I thought I was eating something healthy...I was disappointed.

  2. Congrats about your book. I'm not a big fan of those dressings. I much prefer vinegar and olive oil and Trader Joe's has some really good fresh ones I love.

    Effortlessly Sophisticated

    1. Thank you! Thank you! ...and I have to go to Trader Joes soon! I'll def check it out! Thank you!

  3. Congrats on your new book! I hope you enjoy the journey with this new endeavor. The creative process can be challenging and fulfilling.

    1. Thank you Toya!!Yes, definitely challenging but worth it!


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