Spring Fever

You give me fever....Fever! *snaps* snaps* Spring is here! Although, by the looks of it, I'm not sure if Mother Nature is aware....or maybe we haven't caught up with her... (aha moment)

Im not in love.

All winter I waited for the shift (My Shift) to occur. When I focus less on keeping warm and more on snuggling next to something warm. ha! It's Spring after all, so where are the birds? where are the bees? Where is my love? I know, I know.....you're not entitled to Spring Love just because seasons change. But still.....Ugh...What I hate most is/are my friends telling me: it's coming, Love is coming....My Married Friends, btw. As if, they spoke with Fate and conveniently left me out of the equation. lol! Thanks jerks!

Side Note: Do you notice how some married couples ask if you found a 'Boo' yet? And if you say no, then they're like...Oh, well, he's out there, just you wait and see! Or We found someone who's perfect for you! *screams* And usually the person they've selected is a fat bald guy with missing teeth and bad credit. lol. AND no offense to Fat Bald Guys with Missing Teeth and Bad Credit! ha!

The problem is, my married friends think they know what I like. News Flash: You don't!
I'll ask them: What is it about my single life that bothers you? ....Oh, then they're taken aback by my poor choice of words. As if using the word Bothered is a defense mechanism against them. Next, we go back and forth with our passive-aggressive dance, until finally they give up and say, 'we just want to see you happy.' *A moment of pause.* I'm speechless! As my temperature begins to rise within my body, several thoughts run through my mind... like: I really want to cuss them out. The audacity to meddle in my love life. I need a drink, stat! And What makes you think I'm Unhappy?

Granted if they read this blog then they're probably saying, 'yoooooo, she's lost her mind!' I haven't, by the way! I'm perfectly sane and perfectly content. ....I think. haha! However, some married couples will have you questioning your own sanity, Along with your biological clock and whatever else that's on their standard List of Life. Screw the List! Screw the Order! Enjoy Life! I live my life as I see fit. I know they mean well, but dayummmm, let me do me!

Until Next Post!

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